It is a brand new year and if you are like the majority of people in Los Angeles, then you are single. Is this by choice? Or is it because the women you are interested in, only see you as a friend? If the women you are attracted to, seem to always see you as a friend, then clearly you are doing something wrong.
Here are some simple things you can do to take charge and stop that from happening again!
You have to establish your intentions from the beginning. You’re not going to say it with your words, you’re going to say it with your actions.
Step 1. First and foremost, you have to have confidence.
Step 2. Don’t take the passive approach. Come up with creative and fun things to do—be original, call her up and ask her out.
Step 3. Always pick her up.
Step 4. Never let her pay
Step 5. Always walk her to her door
Step 6. Open all doors for her and let her go first
All of the above steps are a great start…but, just having great manners isn’t enough. She has to see you in a romantic way…so you have to be romantic and cross that “friendship” line.
Here are some ways to do that:
Holding hands: Take the initiative and take her hand when the two of you are crossing a street or walking to the car at the end of the night.
Flirting: whisper in her ear…”you look beautiful”..or when you’re not with her send her a flirty text….”just thinking about how hot you looked the other night…can’t wait to see you again”
By taking all of these steps you are sending her the message that you are in charge, that you care about her well being and that you see her in a sexual way. She will respect you as a man and you will definitely get her attention, she will see you as a “date” not just as a “friend”.
Good Luck and Happy New Year!