This is a very important question to ask. When you think of your future, whom do you see yourself with when you’re 80? Or are you just thinking of “right now”? If it is your ego talking then probably you would say..”I see myself with someone fit, tall, great smile, loves rock music, owns the new I phone and is very very sexy.’ And why? Why are those things the most important things to your ego? Well, because, the ego by definition means: An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit.
To put it another way: Are your expectations of a potential partner based on what is in your heart or is it based on how you want to be perceived by other people? Because I know when you’re 80, you’re not going to care if he was ever a rock star or if she was ever a super model. So think about what is really most important. If you’re looking for a long-term relationship, then you have to be realistic. That means that you have to ask yourself, “If everyone on this planet looked the same and dressed the same and had the same income…..what qualities then, would I be looking for?” And do YOU have the same qualities to offer the other person? Because, if you’re expectation is for a perfect model, then you also need to be a perfect model. Right? Let’s face it, if you’re over weight, average looking and don’t have a lot going for you, other than you’re a nice person…well, let’s just hope and pray….you’re not waiting for “George Clooney or Eva Longoria” to come along.
There are just as many women out there as there are men, who seem to have a strange sense of entitlement, when it comes to being choosy about a mate. It is great to be picky and have standards…but, make sure you are being honest with yourself and that your standards aren’t higher than what you have to offer in return.
Be realistic and think outside of the stereotypes. Let go of unrealistic expectations, throw away your checklist and allow yourself to fall in love with someone’s inner qualities. The only way to do that is by giving different people a chance..a real chance, it takes more than one date to fall in love, sometimes it takes ten, fifteen or even twenty. Love at first sight rarely happens, the best type of love is the love that develops over time and is based on the soul, not the outer shell.